PICARO R., La partecipazione delle Università ad enti di diritto privato nella prospettiva della Terza Missione, 2017

Data Documento: 2017-01-01
Autori: Raffaele Picaro
Autorità Emanante: Nuove Autonomie, n. 3, 2017, pp. 411-432
Area: Dottrina

“Considered on the whole as the complex of activities through which Universities and Research Authorities directly relate to society, the Third Mission presents the question of the limits of private right legal instruments. This theme is scanned by current law trends, recently merged into the T.U.S.P., destined to the rationalization of the constellation of public participation Bodies. Against the background we [#OMISSIS#] easily outline the fear that the establishment of the activities of the Third Mission [#OMISSIS#] compromise the original function of public University which, as an intermediate social entity, represents altogether a guarantee of pluralism and of tutelage of the person, with the correlative individualism implementation, but also the protection of the freedom that our Constitution is to ensure to science and education.”

(Abstract a cura dell’Autore)