BANFI A., Impatto nocivo. La valutazione quantitativa della ricerca e i possibili rimedi, 2014

Data Documento: 2014-01-01
Autori: Antonio Banfi
Autorità Emanante: Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, n. 2, 2014, pp. 361-384
Area: Dottrina

The introduction of quantitative tools for the evaluation of research, especially for the assessment of individuals, poses a variety of problems related to the robustness of data, the significance of indicators, etc. The scientific community should not underestimate the effects of these assessment tools upon the integrity of research and the adoption of opportunistic or unethical behaviour by researchers. Antidotes must be rapidly developed, to reduce the potentially negative effects of quantitative evaluation on the entire Italian scientific production.

(Dall’abstract a cura dell’Autore)