M. CAVALIERE, Trasparenza informativa e innovation disclosure nella ricerca universitaria. Prospettive di riforma

Data Documento: 2023-07-23
Autori: Martina Cavaliere
Autorità Emanante: Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 2023, n. 2, pp. 229-245
Area: Dottrina

This article examines the role and functions of the information that the researcher- inventor must provide to the university or public research institution when generating an innovation from research activities, focusing on the advantages and limitations of the information transparency system. In the IP university regulations, information has taken on objective connotations, to be regulated in terms of mandatory innovation disclosure, with the provision of a general obligation of the researcher to communicate to the technology transfer office a certain type of knowledge and data pertaining to the innova- tion generated and the research context. In the face of this process of objectification of information, particular attention is given to the content of the innovation disclosure model, developed within university institutions, and to the aims that are intended to be pursued with this document, proposing, de iure condendo, some content suggestions.

(Abstract a cura dell’Autrice)


SOMMARIO: 1. L’obbligo di comunicazione del ricercatore prima del codice di proprietà industriale. — 2. Gli sviluppi successivi. L’informazione oggettiva e la mandatory innovation disclosure in ambito universitario. — 3. Il documento di innovation disclosure. — 4. I vantaggi della filosofia della trasparenza informativa. — 5. Flussi informativi e sistemi disciplinari e sanzionatori. — 6. La controriforma in corso (d.d.l. S.2631): la comunicazione del ricercatore [#OMISSIS#] proposta di modifica dell’attuale art. 65 c.p.i.